I'm a big fan of Bjorg, a Scandinavian jewellery line. Their influences range from Darwin to Victorian Memento Mori to Time Travel. I'm sold. To me, it's reminiscent of a Murakami novel, with the skull and animal references. Either way, I think it is a collection worth investigating.
So, I was toodling around Holt's the other day and I came across the most beautiful scarves by LemLem. They were so simple and unique looking. Perfect for the breezy days of summer, methinks. Turns out, LemLem was created by Supermodel-turned-designer Liya Kebede. It was born out of a trip to her native Ethiopia. Lemlem, meaning "to bloom or flourish" in Amharic, uses traditional artisans to produce beautiful hand-woven scarves. Awesome.
"Since ancient times in the land of the Queen of Sheba, the Ethiopian people have adorned themselves in beautiful hand woven and hand embroidered clothing. The hand spinning of cotton and intricate embroidery was the work of women while the hand weaving was done mainly by men. It is our wish to bring to you an incredible handwork and help preserve this ancient art form by creating opportunities for the Artisans" - www.lemlem.com
Did I also mention that they make beautiful children's clothes as well? Get it here.
Of all the lip trends our there right now, I gotta say that a perfectly beige nude lip tops my list. Meet MAC's To Pamper lipstick. Launching in the autumn, it's a nude taupe and extremely creamy in texture. Basically, I want my pucker to look like a mannequin. Why? Maybe I watched too many episodes of Today's Special when I was a kid? Anyways, I can't wait for this lipstick.
To tide me over until then, I have MAC's other two little gems: Cyber, which is an almost black shade of purple and Lady Danger, the most perrrfect red/orange.
I love the color! It's graphic and jarring and kind of surfer? p.s. if you aren't already mixing and playing with multiple patterns and prints in one outfit...get on it. Just sayin